Blog » windows

A Primer on Climate Zones for Home Construction in Canada

Shawna HendersonMay 19, 2021

By designing for the future and retrofitting with climate in mind, buildings can be made more resilient and better equipped to handle changing temperature regimes. By taking a holistic approach and considering factors such as climate types, average temperatures, and precipitation, we can ensure that our buildings are not only code-compliant but also energy-efficient and comfortable for their occupants.

Question: How to stop pressure-driven water leakage at windows

Shawna HendersonJanuary 19, 2015

This happens in specific conditions, on specific faces of houses in Nova Scotia: wind storms carrying a whole lot of rain come ripping of the North Atlantic and drive rain horizontally. And only when the wind is out of a certain quadrant does the window leak. The pressure on the...

Explaining Concepts without Using Your Hands.

Shawna HendersonSeptember 11, 2014

There's a fine line to walk between simplifying information and dumbing it down so that it's useless. Concepts need to be understood. That's the challenge for anyone in training, but especially so for on-demand training, where there is no direct contact between a learner and the trainer. In face-to-face situations,...