Blog » climate zones

Why New Siding is a HUGE Missed Opportunity in Residential Energy Retrofits

Shawna HendersonNovember 20, 2023

So let’s talk about exterior insulation retrofits and how they are a relatively easy project to add into a job where it's time to replace the cladding, but we can't track how many jobs have insulation added, or how much/how well it's installed. Right off the bat, it’s most cost effective to add insulation to the outside of the house and to replace windows at the same time as recladding. This is the point at which we can make the biggest difference in the long-term durability, comfort and energy performance for the homeowner. As incentive programs are often based on single measures, these two integral upgrades are often disconnected.

A Primer on Climate Zones for Home Construction in Canada

Shawna HendersonMay 19, 2021

By designing for the future and retrofitting with climate in mind, buildings can be made more resilient and better equipped to handle changing temperature regimes. By taking a holistic approach and considering factors such as climate types, average temperatures, and precipitation, we can ensure that our buildings are not only code-compliant but also energy-efficient and comfortable for their occupants.